Thursday, December 2, 2010

Historical Window From a Modern Day Barber

The Barber Pole originated in the early 1800's. Barbers in that time did more than give haircuts; they also performed surgery, tooth extractions, and blood letting procedures. The red and white barber pole designated a sign of barber who did surgery as well as haircutting. Blood letting was a procedure, used with leeches, to help elliviate the ills of mankind. The base of the barber pole held leeches and caught blood and the copious supply of linen bandages.After the operation was completed, bandages would be hung on the staff and sometimes placed outside as an advertisement. Twirled by the wind, the bandages hung would form a red and white spiral that was later adopted for painted poles. The red on the pole represents blood, the blue represents veins, and the white represents bandages.

This is Max Norton doing what he loves inside his shop, Max's Old Time Barber Shop. He is one of the only barbers left who still gives the old fashioned hair tonic and cologne treatment. His business also caters to women's haircuts, facials, nail treatments, and more.

Inside Max's shop is a window to the history of old time barbers and antiques. These three chairs are used for his guest inside his shop. The far left chair was made in 1920, the middle chair was made in 1910, and the far right chair was made in 1879.

The antique chair above is a 1914 dentist chair, which reclines to lay flat. This chair serviced as a seat when getting a haircut, teeth pulled, or an old fashioned blood letting treatment.

This is the first Gillette
hand held razor. It included a case of resharpable razors and a holding case lined with velvet. The invention was given to the public in 1903 at the cost of $5.00.

First electric barber shop clippers developed by the Moore Electric Hair Company. It was put in the hands of barbers for their shops December 28, 1915.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Students at Legacy Ballet show off their graceful skills

Ballet dancers show the team effort, discipline, and precise timing needed when dancing locked together.

(In Background)
Heather Hill, instructor and owner of Legacy Ballet, shows her emotions of admiration towards her students while watching from a distance.

The two girls in front have been practicing ballet for nine years.

Monday, November 15, 2010

5 theme photo

I will be getting a hold of Max Norton, who owns the barber shop downtown and asking to interview and shoot at places relevant to the story. I will also be finding interesting designs in architecture and see where they both take me.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Max's Old Time Barber Shop

Come and visit Max Norton while getting a haircut at Max's Old Time Barber Shop and Salon downtown Albany at 124 Ellsworth St. His shop is open from Monday to Saturday 8:30 to 6:00.

In January of 2009, Norton enrolled in Phagans Beauty College in Corvallis. He graduated in December of 2009 and opened his first barber shop and salon on the first of May in 2010. His business has been a great success for him as he has eight to sixteen new and returning clients a day.

Norton has a passion for building custom made Harley's and hot rods in which he displays in his barber shop. The Harley in the picture is a work in progress displayed within his shop.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Downtown Albany

Celia Formiller is the owner of Frogs and Polliwogs, a store for children, in downtown Albany.

She has remodeled the upstairs of the store turning it into a place where parents and their children may lounge and play in a cozy, fun atmosphere.
"I'm calling it the Lily Pad Lounge and children can come hang out and play with all the fun activity tables and toys," says Formiller, "There will also be free internet available and students with children are more than welcomed to come study while their kiddos play."

The Lily Pad Lounge will be opened from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday and there is a $3.00 charge per kid for all day play.

The streets of downtown Albany are filled with the hustle of shoppers. Emma is a popular clothing store on first street where women like to gather and shop.

The Pix is a historical movie theatre to catch a mid day movie after shopping downtown.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Geary St. Wreck

Two cars collide Wednesday, 9:30 am, on Geary St. in front of Carino's Restaraunt.

An elderly man hit the tail end of a younger woman's car. Six firemen helped to get the young woman out of her car.

Carried on a stretcher into the back of an ambulance, the woman is taken to urgent care.

Traffic is blocked momentarily as the wreckage is cleaned up.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

LBCC philosophers; sign up and start the first philosophy club at LBCC

Karyn Chambers is a religion and philosophy teacher at LBCC who is looking for students interested in creating and maintaining a philosophy club. LBCC does not yet have a philosophy club and Chambers is in the process of collecting signatures to give to the board members in the life and leadership department to get permission to create the club.
Students interested can contact Chambers at her e-mail address;
Be sure to leave your first and last name, phone number, and e-mail address and that will be collected as a signature to join the creation of the philosophy club.

"The club will be a forum where members will get a chance to discuss what matters most and it will be ran by the students," says Chambers. "There is also an opening for a club president and vice-president."

Students will get to bring in videos to share and some modern day philosophers will get a chance to visit and share their insights at LBCC.

There will be a meeting set up providing a chance for the students who gave signatures to get together and discuss what they would want out of the club and how the leadership roles within the students will be established. The meeting will be held on a date that will be announced soon.