Thursday, October 21, 2010

LBCC philosophers; sign up and start the first philosophy club at LBCC

Karyn Chambers is a religion and philosophy teacher at LBCC who is looking for students interested in creating and maintaining a philosophy club. LBCC does not yet have a philosophy club and Chambers is in the process of collecting signatures to give to the board members in the life and leadership department to get permission to create the club.
Students interested can contact Chambers at her e-mail address;
Be sure to leave your first and last name, phone number, and e-mail address and that will be collected as a signature to join the creation of the philosophy club.

"The club will be a forum where members will get a chance to discuss what matters most and it will be ran by the students," says Chambers. "There is also an opening for a club president and vice-president."

Students will get to bring in videos to share and some modern day philosophers will get a chance to visit and share their insights at LBCC.

There will be a meeting set up providing a chance for the students who gave signatures to get together and discuss what they would want out of the club and how the leadership roles within the students will be established. The meeting will be held on a date that will be announced soon.

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