Friday, October 15, 2010

LBCC's pre-school teacher shares story time at P.C.D.C.

At the Periwinkle Child Development Center, pre-school teacher, Connie Lenderman, shows what it takes to keep pre-schoolers active and eager to learn. While reading a story in the classroom about a squirrell, she shows the young students an acorn demonstrating what squirrells like to collect.

Lenderman mentions how it is a joy for her to be a teacher at the LBCC campus and to give the children a fun learning environment. She also mentions how children are more willing to learn when they are in a group interacting with one another. Lenderman keeps the classroom very bright and fun the entire time she is teaching.

Along with Lenderman, there are other staff members who aide in teaching, interacting, and being silly with the children. Other curricular activities include songs and dance while learning alphabet letters, animal sounds, counting, and so forth. All the pre-school children have a wide variety of art and craft projects to create along with a playstructure outside to explore.

"P.C.D.C. has been finding ways to raise funding to go towards better playground equipment and what we need for the children who are in kindergarten classrooms." says Lenderman

Lenderman also explains a little about her teaching experience;

"You have to bring out your inner-child and not be afraid to act goofy and fun, it's what children crave and they love learning things that way." says Lenderman

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